Get Direct Access To The Best Qobuz Content With The New Discover Section

Explore the new Discover section of the Qobuz app. A more immersive, intuitive and modern page for an easier and more rewarding discovery experience.

We know how important it is to discover musical treasures that reflect your taste. That's why we've redesigned the Discover section of our application to give you a smoother, more intuitive experience and a decidedly more contemporary design. Much more than an entry point, our new page embodies the very essence of Qobuz. It blends music in the best sound quality with an eclectic editorial line, and expert human curation, combined with intelligent algorithms. 

Our new Discover section focuses on what matters most to you: easy access to your favorite Qobuz content.

Here are the key changes: 

  • A richer, more dynamic site: New sections have been added. You can now discover new Qobuzissime albums, the Qobuz Ideal Discography and our top albums of the week as soon as you open the application. A color code makes it easier to distinguish the different categories of playlists.

  • A wider selection of playlists recommended by our experts: Want access to more playlists to explore a range of  musical genres and themes? We've added new playlists classified by theme, genre, and mood to the dedicated section. 

  • Instant visibility of Qobuz-awarded music and trends: Highlighted among the new releases, discover new gems and emerging talents in your favorite music genres. You can find previous Qobuzissimes, Albums of the Week and the Ideal Discography in dedicated sections.

We're always looking for new ways to make your music experience more engaging and rewarding. In this quest for improvement, we aim to strike the perfect balance between personalized recommendations and selections from our team of experts.

We'd love to hear what you think of your new home. You can send us your comments through the Club: 


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