Qobuz Studio Solo Subscription Update

Information regarding the Studio Solo subscription update starting November 1, 2023.

Our pricing adjustments are essential in today's economic climate to keep improving our service with exciting new features and to uphold the values we share. Our mission has always been to strike the perfect balance between providing high-quality music to more and more people, while continuing to support fair artist compensation.

To maintain this commitment, we are adjusting our pricing. Starting on November 1, 2023, the monthly cost of the Studio Solo subscription in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland will increase from €12.99 to €13.99. The annual Studio Solo subscription will increase by €12, increasing  from €149.99 to €162.

Your love for music and your dedication set you apart, and for that, we are incredibly grateful. As a niche, independent company, we value every single customer, each of whom  makes a significant difference to us.

Please note that our Duo and Family subscription prices remain unchanged. These plans are excellent alternatives if you wish to share your music experience with family. 

For any questions or assistance needs, you can refer to our help center or reach out to our customer support team.

We genuinely appreciate your ongoing support. 


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