Welcome to the blog section, where you’ll discover articles and insights about the music streaming and hi-fi industry.

Music Streaming: How Are Artists Paid and How Can We Support Them?
Qobuz Qobuz

Music Streaming: How Are Artists Paid and How Can We Support Them?

Music streaming has profoundly transformed the music industry. In the past, artists primarily earned a living from physical album sales and concert tickets. The rise of streaming has radically changed this economic model. Today, revenues mainly come from online plays on streaming platforms.

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Musical Streaming: Will Artistic Value Survive in the Era of AI?
Qobuz Qobuz

Musical Streaming: Will Artistic Value Survive in the Era of AI?

In a rapidly expanding market of musical streaming, the surge of artificial intelligence raises significant questions about the future of music. In this context, what balance do we wish to establish between the role of algorithms and human subjectivity to preserve cultural richness and artistic uniqueness? It's time to engage in an authentic debate about the place of humans and AI in the music industry.

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How Does Sound Quality Affect Our Hearing Health?
Qobuz Qobuz

How Does Sound Quality Affect Our Hearing Health?

The World Health Organization predicts that by 2050, more than 700 million people globally will have serious hearing problems. Many young people —around 1.1 billion— are especially at risk of permanent hearing loss because they're exposed to loud noise regularly. These numbers highlight the need to spread awareness about how the quality of sound affects our hearing health.

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