Discover Qobuz Coins: A Virtual Currency to Purchase Your Favorite Music with a Single Click

Qobuz, a pioneer in high-quality streaming and downloading, introduces Qobuz Coins, a groundbreaking feature in the online music market. With this virtual currency, music enthusiasts and collectors can purchase their favorite music with a single click, and enjoy it forever.

A Streamlined Downloading Experience

To simplify and streamline the purchase of music files online, Qobuz introduces Qobuz Coins, a virtual currency, available through a digital wallet accessible from a dedicated tab. Once the account is credited with virtual currency, users can simply choose their favorite music, purchase it with a single click, download the files to keep them indefinitely, and listen in their preferred audio format whenever they want, without any limits.

Qobuz Coins: A Unique Virtual Currency for Simplified Transactions

Users can buy packs of 2500, 5000, or 10,000 Coins ($1/£1=100 coins) according to their needs. Once the coins are added to their wallet, they can use them to purchase their favorite music directly via the desktop application, web player or download store, and instantly see their balance and transaction history.

Visit our website now to access the wallet and enjoy a high-quality downloading experience for collecting music in a simple and convenient manner.

To obtain Qobuz Coins, click here.

The Qobuz Coins feature is available in all countries that offer online music purchase services, on desktop and web only.


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