Qobuz now available on Telekom StreamOn service in Germany

Since the beginning of October, Qobuz's streaming offer has been part of Telekom's StreamOn pack. Eligible subscribers can now listen to music in Hi-Res quality without it affecting their data bundle.The announcement of Qobuz's inclusion in Telekom’s StreamOn offer has just brought Hi-Res music in Germany a step further into the mainstream. This option, now offered with the MagentaMobil M, MagentaMobil S Young and Family Card M bundles, lets users listen to music through Qobuz streaming plans without the slightest byte of data being counted against their data allowance.By enabling unlimited streaming from Qobuz, Telekom places Hi-Res music within reach of Germans everywhere.


Qobuz, now available in Italy and Spain


Sonos: a partner of choice for Qobuz