Sonos: a partner of choice for Qobuz

SONOS - Event 100417

When Sonos unveiled its latest products and features at a New York event a few days ago, its partnership with the Qobuz brand was shown to be stronger than ever.Qobuz and the US-based manufacturer began their partnership in 2012, then in 2013 started offering users a first-ever opportunity to stream an online music service's entire catalogue, in CD-quality sound, over a hi-fi manufacturer's speakers.At its October 4th launch, Sonos naturally cited Qobuz as one of its preferred partners. The Qobuz logo also featured prominently at the various presentations of the brand's new products!We will be launching a "Direct Control" feature by the beginning of 2018, which will let all of our users use our iOS or Android app as a remote control to play their music directly over Sonos speakers. Users will be able to enjoy the full breadth and depth of our editorial content (digital booklets, articles, album descriptions, artist bios, etc.) on their smartphone or tablet as they listen to the music.We are also able to announce that we will shortly be updating our embedded Sonos app to include all of our latest product upgrades.Don't forget that you can test Sonos sound quality for yourself with Qobuz services in all of the Qobuz company's partner stores across Europe. See the full list at


Qobuz now available on Telekom StreamOn service in Germany


Import your playlists into Qobuz with Soundiiz!