Qobuz, now available in Italy and Spain

Qobuz opens its services in Spain and Italy from the 15th December 2017. Music fans will finally have access in these two countries to an alternative option, with this truly different music service: localised, animated and edited in their language.

 Denis Thébaud, CEO of Xandrie, editor of Qobuz, says:“By opening Qobuz in Spain and Italy, we are entering into a new development cycle for our service. This cycle will also mean improving our functionalities and editorials which allow Qobuz to carry out all its promises in terms of excellence. Qobuz and sound quality go hand in hand - it has been our signature attribute for 10 years after all. Since the beginning, Qobuz has set a high standard for sound quality for music streaming. But beyond that, it really will be an experience for the client that is totally new, unique and high end. The Spanish and Italian services will be completely localised, animated and edited at a level of quality which we can safely say will set new standards.”With 40 million tracks in 16-Bit/44.1 kHz (the equivalent of CD quality, including all the major and independant record labels) and over 1 million tracks in Hi-Res 24-Bit, Qobuz has held an unequaled expertise in quality sound reproduction since 2008.Qobuz also offers a thorough editorial line that is particularly rich in genres such as Classical, Jazz and World Music. Beyond the mainstream artists, Qobuz offers daily recommendations in every musical genre, through news articles and original editorials. Qobuz is also the only online music service in the world to offer digital album booklets, which are available in all our streaming apps.

The Qobuz Offer

Qobuz is an extensive online music service that offers streaming and paid downloads.

  • “Qobuz Premium”: 9.99€/month or 99.99€/year. Streaming in MP3 320kbps.

  • “Qobuz Hi-Fi”: 19.99€/month or 199.99€/year. Streaming in FLAC 16-Bit/44.1 kHz (CD quality)

  • “Qobuz Sublime”: 219.99€/year. Streaming in FLAC 16-Bit/44.1 kHz (CD quality) + discounts from 30 to 60% off on a large part of the download catalogue.

  • “Qobuz Sublime+”: 349.99€/year. Streaming in Hi-Res (FLAC 24-Bit/192 kHz) + discounts from 30 to 60% off on a large part of the download catalogue.

Qobuz is the only music platform in the world to offer its users such discounts on downloads.

About Qobuz

Qobuz was created in France in 2008 and will celebrate its 10th birthday in 2018. Qobuz is the world leader in high-quality sound reproduction, with all 40 million tracks in its catalogue available in 16-Bit/44.1 kHz quality (similar to that of a CD). Qobuz also offers the world’s largest Hi-Res catalogue, featuring some 80,000 albums. The entire collection is available through Sublime+, the first Hi-Res music streaming subscription service in the world.Qobuz also stands out for its discerning music curation and editorial line as well as its exclusive editorial content. Qobuz is the only music streaming platform in the world to provide access to hundreds of thousands of digital booklets and exclusive information about each album in its catalogue.The full Qobuz experience is available anywhere, anytime, thanks to dedicated apps that are compatible with every device (Mac/PC desktops and iOS/Android smartphones and tablets). Thanks to an extensive partnership network, the Qobuz sound quality can be enjoyed on all of the world’s leading hi-fi brands.



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