Qobuz Announces Integration With Yamaha MusicCast (Free Firmware Update)

We’re excited to announce that Qobuz is now available on Yamaha MusicCast with compatible devices.

Six current Yamaha home audio products, including a sound bar, wireless speakers and AV receivers, now offer Qobuz Hi-Res streaming up to 24-bit/192kHz quality.

Access to Qobuz is available through the Yamaha MusicCast app, which allows playback on either a single device or on multiple MusicCast devices throughout the home.

Release schedule

The firmware updates and MusicCast app update began on May 14. Users are automatically prompted to install the firmware via the MusicCast app.

May 14: MusicCast 20, MusicCast 50

May 21: RX-Vx85/RX-Ax80 AV Receivers and XDA-QS5400 Multi-Room Streaming Amplifier

End of May/Early June (TBD): MusicCast BAR 400

Other Points to Note

MusicCast does not support gapless playback and cannot fast forward in a track. That being said, these features will work using a 3rd party app like Audirvana, BubbleUPnP, or mConnect.

How to Use Qobuz in Your Yamaha MusicCast App

Select "Qobuz" in the sources menu and enter your login information.

You can search and/or browse within the app to begin streaming.

The Now Playing screen allows you to manage your Qobuz favorites, Yamaha playlists, Yamaha favorites, streaming quality, and queue.

About Yamaha

Yamaha Corporation of America (YCA) is one of the largest subsidiaries of Yamaha Corporation, Japan and offers a full line of award-winning musical instruments, sound reinforcement, commercial installation and home entertainment products to the U.S. market. Products include: Yamaha acoustic, digital and hybrid pianos, portable keyboards, guitars, acoustic and electronic drums, band and orchestral instruments, marching percussion products, synthesizers, professional digital and analog audio equipment, Steinberg recording products and NEXO commercial audio products, as well as AV receivers, amplifiers, MusicCast wireless multi-room audio systems, Blu-ray/CD players, earphones, headphones, home-theater-in-a-box systems, sound bars and its exclusive line of Digital Sound Projectors. YCA markets innovative, finely crafted technology and entertainment products and musical instruments targeted to the hobbyist, education, worship, music, professional audio installation and consumer markets.

About Qobuz

Founded in 2007, Qobuz is a Paris-based commercial online music streaming and downloading service that addresses the needs of curious and discerning music lovers across the globe. Live in eleven European markets and now available in the US as of early 2019, Qobuz offers an exceptional range of music genres as well as exclusive editorial content independently curated by a team of experts. Qobuz offers subscription to streaming plans with genuine CD quality audio of more than 40-million tracks and over 2 million Hi-Res tracks up to 24-bit/192k resolution from all genres. For more information or to start your free trial: www.qobuz.com


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