Dynaudio and Qobuz are producing your first recording

Dynaudio Unheard teams up with Qobuz to offer free live recording sessions for unsigned artists at HIGH END Munich – the world’s largest hi-fi show.

Danish loudspeaker specialists Dynaudio and the French streaming service Qobuz are giving unsigned artists the chance to get their big break - free of charge, with zero strings attached - at HIGH END Munich in May.

Want in? Simply sign up here for your chance to secure one of 12 coveted slots between May 9-12.


It’s open to solo artists, bands, a cappella groups... anyone, as long as you’re musical and there aren’t more than six of you.

The Dynaudio Unheard studio is a state-of-the-art pop-up recording facility builtinside shipping containers and containing the latest tech from the world’s bestequipment makers. And it’s touring the world searching for the best new artists.

But it’s more than just a studio: one whole side is glass, so everyone outside cansee in, and everything that happens inside is piped out through a powerful front-of-house system, so they can hear it too. That’s plenty of exposure... but it’s just thebeginning.

If you're successful in your application, you'll get one hour of recording time in a live session - plus mentoring from award-winning producer and mixer Ashley Shepherd (Peter Frampton, Blessid Union of Souls); the masters and film of your session to take away and use however you want; streaming on Qobuz's platforms; and promotion on Qobuz's and Dynaudio's social media accounts. You might even get an on-camera interview about you and your music.

It’s all free of charge, and without any strings attached. Yes, really. Everything you record in our Dynaudio Unheard studio is yours to keep. You can use it just as you see fit to promote yourself.

In return, we’re allowed to use the recorded music, photos, film and interview forDynaudio Unheard purposes, which can mean posts on Facebook, videos onYouTube, event films, and other types of content on other communication platforms.

And you will also see your performance and music appear on Qobuz, that’s potentially millions of extra pairs of ears to wrap themselves around your material.



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