Privacy policy.

Xandrie SA limits to the strict minimum the collection, use and sharing of its Users’ personal data on the Services, or when Users communicate with our teams.

By default, Xandrie SA only collects the information required to identify Club Users.  

The personal data collected:

When creating a Qobuz account, the User communicates to Xandrie SA:

  • Their user name, which may be different from their real name

  • Their e-mail address

  • Their place and date of birth

  • They gender

  • Their subscription to Qobuz newsletters, if they have given their consent. 

Xandrie SA only uses the User’s username and email address as part of the Qobuz Club Services. 

When using the Services, we collect, process and share the following personal data about the User: 

  • Data shared on the Services, either in messages and comments (including with our moderators), or in audio and video files broadcast on the forums.

  • Data concerning the User’s measurements and settings when using the Services. This includes, for example, data recording, content reporting and interaction with Users on forums.

  • Information about the User’s device enabling them to connect to the Services: IP address, type of browser or terminal, device identifier, operating system or name of mobile operator.

  • Information from cookies present on the Site: the pages of the Site visited, the URL requested and the wording of your searches on the Services. 

The reasons for collecting and using these data

All the data listed are necessary to provide and maintain our services and the Site and to improve the User experience. 

These personal data will only be consulted by Qobuz Club moderators, by the team in charge of the administration and technical maintenance of the Services, within Xandrie SA.

If you have any questions about how we use these data, you can request more information by contacting us at

User rights 
In the event of disclosure of the User’s data without their consent, the User is invited to contact the Services’ mediators, or Xandrie SA’s legal department at, to request deletion of the message or content.

The User also has the right to access their personal data. They may therefore contact Xandrie SA at to: 

  • Access and modify their personal data on the Service;

  • Requesting the erasure of your data;

  • Withdraw their consent, obtain a restriction or object completely to the processing of their data;

  • Exercise their right to data portability.