Qobuz is now compatible with Android Auto

Qobuz has landed on Android Auto since the Version 5.2.0. update, available on the Play Store now. From now on, you can listen to your favourite tracks and much more through Android Auto!

How to use Android Auto with Qobuz

1. Prepare your smartphone

  1. Ensure that your phone has Android 5.1 (Lollipop) downloaded, or a later version. For best performance, we recommend using Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or a later version.
  2. Download the Android Auto app on Google Play.
  3. Check your phone has a fast and reliable network connection. We recommend setting up Android Auto for the first time within reach of a Wi-Fi network to ensure the fastest installation possible.

 2. Launching Android Auto

  1. Open Android Auto.
  2. Your smartphone may ask you to download or update certain apps, such as Google Maps. 
  3. Read the security warnings and the terms of usage on your phone (this action is only required the first time using the app).
  4. Follow the steps on screen to allow Android Auto to access the apps and features of your phone. For the best experience, allow all access requests. 
  5. Switch on notifications for Android Auto. For the best experience, we recommend you allow all notifications and requests.
  6. If your phone is already connected to your car’s Bluetooth or its support, select the device to activate the automatic launching of Android Auto.

Be safe when driving. Stay vigilant at the wheel andrespect the Highway Code.

If you encounter any difficulties while setting up Android Auto, thereis more information on the Android Auto support website.

Our team is working on the continuous improvement of Qobuz with AndroidAuto in order to bring you the best features and functions.

If you encounter any problems linked to the Qobuz app, our team is available to answer your queries here.

The QobuzProduct Team


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