Qobuz Launches Public Beta in the United States

America, We Are Open

For the first time, US audiophiles and music lovers can experience true Hi-Res music streaming up to 24-bit / 192kHz!

This past Valentine’s Day, February 14th, we officially opened to the public in the United States of America!

It was a big day for our company and for the community of audiophiles and music lovers who have been clamoring for a true Hi-Res streaming option in the US.

We held our launch party with our friends, family, and industry partners at the Devialet Flagship in Manhattan, NYC. If you’ve never had a chance to visit, don’t miss out. It is a space with great audio gear and a truly unique aesthetic on display.

Devialet, Qobuz, and wine - what could go better?
Photos by Anthony Collins

Devialet's new Phantom Reactor speaker
The new Devialet Phantom Reactor speaker

We filled the space with fellow audio enthusiasts!
This room doesn't just look great, it also sounds amazing

The Qobuz US team: Eric Benoit, David Solomon, Sujan Hong, and Dan Mackta
The Qobuz US team: Eric Benoit, David Solomon, Sujan Hong, and Dan Mackta

If you are from the US and care deeply about high quality music, great curation, and a personal touch, we think you'll love Qobuz. Sign up for your free one-month trial right now at Qobuz.com.


Qobuz is Now Integrated with SONOS in the US


Qobuz is now compatible with CarPlay