Discover the new Qobuz app for iOS!

Dear Subscribers,We have good news and bad news for you.Bad news first, because you should always start with the bad news, is that when you go to the App store to download your brand new version of the Qobuz app for iOS, you will have to - yes, we know, it's annoying, tedious, outrageous, shameful, horrid - re-download all your local music. We're sorry, but our technical friends say that we just can't avoid it. So new that we had to erase everything and start again....Now for the good news.This new iOS app is available in the App Store. There. Right now.It's not just an update. This new version of the app (v. 4.0) is a complete recasting of the design and functions of the online music service, which cultivates the essence of the spirit of QOBUZ.The musical experience has been completely re-designed so as to integrate the latest developments in our service.For the first time in the world, it will be possible with Qobuz for iOS v. 4.0 to stream music in Hi-Res 24-Bit - and, of course, to download directly from your smartphones and tablets as part of the Sublime+ subscription.The main new features and functions of Qobuz v. 4.0 are:

  • Graphic redesign and optimised interface

  • Hi-Res streaming with the new Sublime+ 24-bit subscription

  • The option of subscribing from the app

  • Importing music for offline listening

  • Non-subscribing instant download customers now have the option of using the app to synchronise and play their downloads straight from the app

  • "Discover" menu with annotated albums

  • Access to hundreds of thousands of digital booklets (Qobuz exclusives)

  • Access to exclusive editorial content

  • New "Qobuz & You" section: user information and equipment test bench

  • A choice of audio quality at any time (320kbps MP3/FLAC 16-bit/44.1 kHz/Hi-Res 24-bit up to 192 kHz), depending on your subscription

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A big THANK YOU to all our beta testers for all their valuable feedback which helped us to improve and optimise this new iOS application. Their views will be taken on board in the constant updates that we will bring to the application over the course of the coming weeks and months.If you use our Android application, it is currently being beta-tested. It won't be long before it is available on GooglePlay, but there's still some work to be done. Thank you for your patience.And to everyone - thank you for your loyalty to Qobuz.Your feedback is always more than welcome at


Bravo to everyone who entered our #HiResIsBetter Instagram contest!


New SUBLIME+ subscription Streaming in real Hi-Res quality is now a reality