And now, sign up for the Beta version of the new Qobuz Application for Android

Dear friends,We are pleased to announce that sign-ups are now open for those who want to take part in the Beta programme for our new Android application!By signing up as Beta testers, you will have the opportunity - and the privilege - of being the very first to use our Qobuz application for Android in its Beta version, for one month; you will be able to actively contribute to it, by giving your ideas and feedback on the latest developments that we have brought to it, before and immediately after its official launch.Note: the number of participants for this Beta programme is limited.Priority will be given to current Qobuz subscribers and clients.Deadline for signing up: Friday 19 May 2017. To sign up, click on "I wish to sign up for the Beta version" and fill out the sign-up form.

[mks_button size="medium" title="Sign up to the Beta version" style="squared" url="" target="_blank" bg_color="#298fbf" txt_color="#FFFFFF" icon="" icon_type="" nofollow="0"]

You will receive a confirmation email in the next few days.We thank you in advance for your help.

- The Qobuz team


New SUBLIME+ subscription Streaming in real Hi-Res quality is now a reality


New application for Mac and PC: your comments... and our responses #1