Update of the Qobuz application for Mac/PC

It's already been a month since you discovered the new version of Qobuz for Mac and PC. Many of you have been captivated and have shared your feedback and suggestions with us. We've taken into account your comments and suggestions regarding revisions and improvements, and will fulfill them as we go along.An update has already been released. It will be installed automatically in your app.


A quicker startup. A quicker, more efficient app.Optimised playback performances. If you've been subject to micro cuts or problems loading your songs, you should know that this should be solved with the update.Windows Installation. You won't have any more problems installing the Qobuz app with Windows.Display troubleshooting in the new updates.Minor graphical revisions.


Presentation of editorial content. The update brings graphical improvements allowing for better readability of texts.Airplay configuration assistance. In the tab "My Account > Music Playback", you will be able to get help with Airplay configuration. Apple computer users with Airplay compatible devices will find it easier to navigate..Improved management of audio devices, particularly with ASIO4ALL.The option of buying audio tracks individually. You can now buy individual tracks directly from the app.Keyboard shortcuts. You can now use keyboard shortcuts such as playback control (space), hide app (ctr+H), next/previous (mouse).Improved playlist editing mode (change track order, title, description).We'd like to thank you once again for all your feedback. Keep it coming, we will make the most of it!


March 29 2017 - Our new announcements #qobuzisback


We've taken our time so as not to disappoint you